Tell Yourself The Truth

Tell Yourself The Truth

We ask ourselves questions all the time. How often do we answer them honestly?  Not as much as we tell ourselves we do or perhaps we wish we did. We tell ourselves things and we often have no one else to answer to but those that are close to us and easy to get angry...
Fear-Fuel or Frost?

Fear-Fuel or Frost?

If you have a fear of death because of a life altering experience, you may recognize that one of the greatest remedies is a burning desire for achievement, perhaps because of the time you feel you have lost while you were fighting for the life you now have. If your...
What is it about Ego?

What is it about Ego?

Our ego is an interesting thing.  It’s a topic that comes up, perhaps not all the time, but frequently.  It usually comes up when we talk about someone having a “big ego”.  We don’t often talk about “he or she has no ego”.  Yet this “big ego” possession while...